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These are time tested tactics that will set you apart from the average Network Marketer, and keep your business stoked and totally ABLAZE! Bookmark this page and refer back to it! Send it to your Team and SET THEIR BUSINESS ABLAZE! Here are the first 26 tips of the BLAZING Top 52 MLM SUCCESS Tips: 1) "It ALL starts with a DECISION." Success in MLM starts with s DECISION to succeed. Most never make a decision. They instead, make a choice to TRY the business. That is how the average think and engage this MLM business. Make a Decison to Succeed- and you will. 2) Your Heart MUST be Connected to the Vision you have. Your HEART is the REAL POWER in MLM Success. It must be connected to the Dream that you have for your business. You can do anything you want in MLM that you set your mind to,as long as it is Powered by the HEART! People will hear your words, but FEEL your heart. Connect it to the Dream. 3) You MUST understand what Network Marketing and MLM REALLY are." All MLM and Network Marketing will ever be are CHANGE Vehicles. They are Vehicles for Life Change that can bring a powerful Success change to people's lives and incomes. MLM is a LIFE CHANGING Agent, that can change lives in many powerful ways! 4) Make sure that you have sent in your paperwork and order to your company FILLED OUT PROPERLY. Make sure that when you send in your new distributor paperwork , it is FILLED OUT PROPERLY. If it is not, it could cost you a month or two in getting a paycheck, and create problems or delays. 5) Schedule a Kick Off Meeting with Your Sponsor. A Kick Off Meeting is where you "kick off" your business, by meeting your sponsor and getting an initial business plan done, warm market list done, etc. This psychologically is a MUST, as it creates an official "Doors Opened for Business" mindset, and an official START to bulding your business. 6) Put Your Commitment in Writing. With your sponsor, create a "Commitment Letter" stating what you will commit to, and what your sponsor wll do. There is nothing more powerful than putting down on paper and crystallizing your and your sponsor's commitment. It will connect you to the Success Vision in a way that only your heart will understand, and your mind will focus on. 7) It is ALL ABOUT LIFESTYLE. People will enroll in Network Marketing because they are focused on enlarging their lifestyle, and future. It is about the house they want, the car they want, the security they want, and of course, even making a difference in other's lives. It is the MLM LIFESTYLE Language, and you must keep that Language in focus, for you, and your team. 8) Make the Golden Dozen List." When a new person comes into Network Marketing, they need to be focused on what they want their new company to bring into their life. This is called "The Golden Dozen List." This is a list of the 12 things that you want MLM to bring into your life that is not currently there. Dream of what you want in your life. List the 12 things you desire, and a the bottom draw a line with the date on it, and then sign it. This will show you what you are going to be working for, and can be your "carrot" or "stick" when hard times come. 9) Make your HOT Market List. When you start your enterprise, you must LOOK TO THE PEOPLE THAT WILL HELP YOU- NO MATTER WHAT! This is called your HOT MARKET. No matter what you do, these are the people that will help you in any way they can, and support you in any way possible. Call these folks first. 10) Get familiar with the Tools and Brochures your company has, and any other training tool." Get familiar with the recruiting tools, the presentation tools, the training tools, and any other tool the company has. This also includes websites, webcasts, and conference calls. Learn how to USE THEM PROPERLY, and how to maximize the power within each. It is NOT just about TALENT, but about the TOOLS in Network Marketing. 11) Get a calendar or planner to start focusing in on the time you will spend working your business." Get a Franklin Planner, or some kind of Day Timer, and start scheduling your actions and tasks. Yes, you can use a palm pilot, but I have found that planners are more effective for new people. When are you going to start your business, decide how many hours are you planning on working, and then highlight the hours you are going to spend working. This will give you a visual map of what your week looks like. 12) Ask this question- Who do I know that knows a TON of people , and will be willing to help me get started with some names?" Call them, and tell them you need their help. Go see them, and see what kind of help they can give you as far as opening doors and referring some folks to you. You will ride their credibility, and their contacts. Yes, you must call your own warm market, but this is a great way to jump start your business and MLM Success as well. 13) Who do you know that is VERY Successful? Write their names down." Then call them. Ask for their help. Ask if you can come and see them, and show them what you are doing, and see if they have any suggestions in ways of marketing it, and promoting it. 14) Find a good script to practice, and then reduce it into TALKING POINTS." There are many great scripts that you can use to call people with, and your MLM company probably has one. Find a good one that you can connect with, and then reduce it to Bullet Points that you can use in your own style. Then PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! 15) Find a good third party tool to help in your recruiting and presentation effort. Many times we have a tendency to focus on doing everything ourselves, and we end up talking ourselves out of the sale or recruit. Keep a tool handy to let the prospect look at, or listen to, and you can then have numerous presentations going on at once, using cds or dvds as presenters. 16) Become a product of the product- and a Success story as well." You need to develop your own Personal Story, and your first 90 day story as well. Use your products and services, and become a Success at using them. Become the BEST at what the product can do, and the benefits it offers. Then use that story with your prospects to help sell the product line. 17) Before approaching anyone, know the 4 Power Words." The most powerful words that you can use in approaching people are "I NEED YOUR HELP." These words change the person's listening from "What do they want?" to "How can I help?" Psychologically , they are Trigger Words. They trigger our instincts to help. Use them. They are powerful. 18) " Set a time to start actually calling your warm market list, and write it down." This little tip will help you focus in on when you are pulling the trigger to call your list, but also psychologically get you used to the idea. Have your sponsor help if needed, with three ways. Either way, START CALLING. 19) "Ask for people's HELP, Time, Attention, Assistance, or Input- but NOT their Money." People in MLM that come across like they have a dollar bill stuck on their forehead face massive resistance. Your prospect feels your hand already reaching for their money. Yes, you must get paid for what you do, but if you have a much better chance of doing business with them, if you ask for their help initially, vs. coming across like you want to sell them something. Seek their input FIRST, then seek the sale. You will be glad you did. 20) You MUST learn how to Neutralize Objections. If you don't, they will neutralize you." Objections are a training all by themselves. You must learn to neutralize them, and use them to work FOR YOU, not against you. Your company probably has a training on this, but if you do not, PassionFire does. If you learn how to master objections, you have learned how to master what stops most people cold in their tracks. 21) Know the Three S's of approaching your friends and family." The three S's are" Short, Simple, Sincere." Keep your approach SHORT for impact, SIMPLE for duplication sake, and SINCERE so they will FEEL your approach, not just hear it. This will help improve your response dramatically. 22) Understand that Recruiting and Selling are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS! " There are people out in the industry that will tell you recruiting is Selling, and Selling is Recruiting. They are wrong. Selling is Transaction based, and Recruiting is Transformation based. Selling is a one time event, where Recruiting births many events in the future. Selling is about CLOSING people. Recruiting is about OPENING futures. Don't be misled. They are 2 totally different processes, with different skill sets needed, no matter what some folks say. 23) Understand that people are looking for SECURITY in some form from Network Marketing." People are ultimately seeking an MLM Lifestyle, but also SECURITY of Lifestyle and Future. Know that when you are talking to them, and ask them what kind of Security is important to them. 24) Promote HOPE- NOT HYPE!" People today are too sharp to be hyped. Hype comes from the head, and mouth. Hope comes from the Heart and emotions. Don't hype someone, as you will come across like a huckster. Be sincere, come from the heart, and talk to them about the Hope your company and products offer them, not getting rich. You can cover that part later, sincerely and heartfelt, when they have decided that your offer is worth listening to. 25) It's ALL about LEADERSHIP- for you and the prospect." People do not follow companies. People do not follow products. People do not follow compensation plans. People follow PEOPLE with STRENGTH. Keep focused on the Leadership factor. LEAD, don't just tell. Start walking, and take people with you. Leadership is the SECRET to Success in MLM. 26) " Always ASK for something to happen. If you do not, odds are, NOTHING will happen." Powerful focus. Ask for Help. Ask for Appointments. Ask for Input. Ask for Opinions. Ask for Referrals. Ask for Time. Ask for the Sale. Ask for the prospect to join you in your Success Journey. No matter what you do -- ASK FOR SOMETHING! Part 2 of the Blazing Top 52 MLM Success Tips coming soon! blessings...doug PassionFire Intl Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html See Also: White House Tennessee Real Estate House Sitters Love Their Life 17 Sure Fire Tips for a Successful Open House House Sitters Are Coming to the Rescue of Many Travellers |
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